Meetup with a high school best friend #6

9:16 PM 0 Comments

Hi readers, so this is my latest post about the story of my meeting with one of highschool bestfriend. If you read this but still not read the previous part, you can click here to watch the previous version. Happy reading :)

It is almost 6 pm and it is getting dark and i and my friend also getting hungry :D So it is dinner time. Before that time i was attacked actually by Diarrhea / Diare (known in Indonesia). After going out from Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), suddenly i felt that i need to use toilet. It is just so sudden so i am using the toilet in Lippo Karawaci Mall. I just run as fast as i can to find the toilet, uugh.. i don't like that moment :( I don't know what food that trigger me to have Diarrhea (since i eat a lot of food today, LoL. I suggest that you don't eat too much food in one day like me, it is not good, really).

Luckily i just ran to the toilet 2 times, no more than that so i can continue my journey with my best friend. We are heading to Benton Junction then from Lippo Karawaci Mall to hunt a dinner place. There we found a Curry Restaurant named Karei Ya which he says that it is only opened in Benton Junction. We also have a quick look on several restaurant but we decide to have dinner in Karei Ya.

Benton Junction (Courtesy:

Karei Ya can be tell as an unique japanese curry restaurant. The main uniqueness is located on the design of the curry rice that they made. We can request several unique form of white rice in our curry so it looks cute and interesting :) Karei Ya already provide some picture examples of curry rice so we know what our curry rice should look like.

Dolphin shaped curry rice (Courtesy:

Flower shaped curry rice (Courtesy:

Hello Kitty shaped curry rice (Courtesy:

Rabbit shaped curry rice (Courtesy:

The place also located in the Benton Junction which i think a strategic place for people to search for a food. When i go there, it is not so crowded and the place was quiet relaxing so we can enjoy our conversation. The service is also not so slow (maybe because it is not so crowded) and the price are in normal price for a japanese curry restaurant.

At that time i order Beef Enoki Curry Rice and my friend order the butter sausage curry rice. I order the normal shape of white rice and my friend order the dolphin form one. While we are waiting for the food, my friend give me a little gift which is Chocolate from Singapore (He just back from Singapore)!! He also opened one pack of strawberry ball chocolate to be eaten while we were waiting for the food (we are already starving, i already forgot about my Diarrhea, LoL :D)

Chocolate strawberry truffle from my friend

When the food arrived already, we took selfie together (sorry i am not post in here) because we know that it is time for us to be separated already. Noo.. time sure goes fast really :( We pay the bill, go again inside Lippo Karawaci Mall, walk around a little longer, and then return him to his place

Well that's how our quality time together for today ended up with a curry rice dinner. I am pretty excited to spend my time with him simply because we are best friend and we seldom meet each other (He is busy, me too :S). I promise him that one day we will meet again. 

Have you ever think how can i know that he is my best friend or not? Good question. I think, i found a good quote for it :D

There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will - unknown

That's will represent how a true best friend is. Even though we are busy, having our own activity and schedule but as the time goes by, best friend will show its true integrity in our life. So i hope you enjoy this current post. If you have any comment, feedback or suggestion, please don't hesitate to comment. If you like it, please share or subscribe my Blog. Thank you very much, until next post :)


Meetup with a high school best friend #5 (UPH Campus)

11:34 AM 0 Comments

Hi readers :). 

It is been a long time that i am not continuing this story while i am in busy mode (I have final oral examination, so i must study hard, LOL). Anyway, like usual, if you still not read the previous part, you can read it by click here (part 4). Thanks for reading!

After a long culinary journey, i and my friend continue to go to UPH (Universitas Pelita Harapan). FYI, i never go there before and i am very amazed (really) because the rumors about this campus is true actually.

UPH is a campus that famous with its facilities that support the student and the environment. It is been one of the top rated campus with complete facility. They have around 6 - 8 sky building, almost complete sport facilities (swimming pool olympic size, football court, basketball court, jogging track, many more), and a nice and green enviroment that designed in the middle of the campus.

The middle court of UPH

We are going to UPH through Times Book Store that located in the Karawaci Main Street. Times Book Store is the book store that located in front of  UPH. It has a Starbuck Cofee inside and the Library so UPH's student can have cozy and relax study there. After we pass Times Book Store, we are going to one of Twin Building of UPH.

1 of the twin building is for the Rector and Lecturers and the other is for Library, Canteen and The Famous UPH Grand Chapel (I forgot what again inside it since it's too much information for me, sorry:P ). Inside this, i can see that the facility is built with really high valuable material in UPH. Unfortunately i cannot go inside the Library or Grand Chapel so i don't know what is inside it. From there, i can also see outside view from the Grand Chapel floor. So beautiful :)

Grand Chapel of UPH

Karawaci view from one of UPH Twin Building

From twin building, we are going through the UPH middle courtyard where student can enjoy the green and natural enviroment from UPH. This feeling is created because of many Trees and Grass planted around UPH. There is also a unique regulation for the students to not stepping by the Grass or they will be Dropped Out from Campus! ( Seriously strict :O ) For myself, it is also surprisingly that there is a regulation like that in UPH. That's why some student says (Just a joke) that Grass has Higher Pride than the Student of UPH, LOL :D :D

UPH also known as a Christian based Campus that's why we can see a lot of Holy Bible verse being written in the building wall or stone. For myself, the verse really tell the student to depend on Lord and not their strength since we are human with limited power. This makes UPH known also to adapt the Holistic Education.

One example of Bible Verse written in the courtyard

Then we can see the Basketball Court, Gym and Swimming Pool located nearby each other. From there i have been invited to see the Building (I forgot the name of the Building) for Social Faculty like Economy, Management, Public Relation, International Relationship and so on. It is also a tall building built with many classes for every floor. Every floor is already dedicated for certain major and there is a Wall Magazine that post news and the Organization Members of that Major. I think it is so unique and nice like in Highschool :). Because it is is closed, i can only see the classroom from outside (Lucky the classroom's door is made by glass)

Class room view

Finish from the building we go through the Football Court where there are some students still playing football. It is so big, i think it is the Olympic size of Football court (CMIIW :D). Around the football court, there is jogging track also and a building to watch the game when any. There is a verse from the Holy Bible attached in the building outside, this supports UPH as an Holistic Campus also. We saw also some people enjoy the view, taking seat there, relax and took pictures there (I think they are outsider, not the student of UPH). It is nice!

Football court and Jogging Track

Finally since we have a long tour of journey (It is almost evening already), we get hungry already so we fasten this tour up to search dinner. We go building in the middle of the UPH courtyard. The building contain hotel rooms and restaurants that runs by Hospitality students. This building often used for the Hospitality student to practice but for people that wants to stay in the Hotel rooms, it is also permitted.

Ornaments in the middle of building

Then my friend says, in front of this building, a lot of graduated student take a photo there. Dunno why but it just a kind of tradition in UPH. So i also take picture there also since it is a landmark for UPH student :D

Last, we go to the Art Building there. My friend says that this building is being Haunted (So Creepy :O) in the 4th floor. This floor is used by students from Music Major. So we go there since i am also curious about it. We go to 4th floor and yes, it feels kinda creepy there maybe because there are a lot of narrow corridor, a cold temperature there and no one there with some abandoned class :O 

There we saw a lot of picture, poster, painting being hanged up in corridor wall. We are passing by corridor by corridor then suddenly we feel something different. We heard a Piano music there! OMG, there is still a student there practicing music. That make use relieved, LOL. After some times being adventurous there, we are going down to eat. My friend said that there is a rumor (don't know from where) that there is someone will follow us everytime we go to 4th floor :O :O Well, that's kinda creepy but that's just rumor anyway so.. yeah :D

Anyway, that's quite an adventure for me in UPH. I don't take photo so much since my Camera is in low battery, sorry :( but i think it is quiet enough to represent what inside UPH. If you are curious, i recommended you to see UPH (If you have friend, that's better). My impression about UPH's facilities and enviroment is good.

If you like this post, you can subscribe this post, follow me or just comments is also welcome :) Next we go back to dinner in Benton Junction. Curious? Wait for the last post of this journey. Thanks for reading :)

Photo that i promised. My photo with God anything is possible :)


Tips memilih Jurusan Kuliah

10:26 AM 0 Comments

Hai readers:)

Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk membagikan tips saya memilih jurusan kuliah. Yes, jurusan kuliah bagi beberapa orang dianggap sangat penting karena kuliah itu (kata beberapa orang yang saya dengar), kayak pilih jodoh. Hahaha :D :D Kalau salah pilih, malah membuat kita menyesal. Oleh karena itu jangan sampai ya readers salah pilih jurusan kuliah.

Courtesy picture from

Sekedar membagi pengalaman aja, saya sendiri juga sebetulnya merasa salah memilih jurusan perkuliahan karena berbagai macam alasan sehingga bidang yang saya pilih tidak saya minati / idamkan. Beruntungnya, saya rajin berdoa, tekun, mau belajar (Ehmm XD) dan ga lupa ada orang-orang yang mau membantu saya melewati masa sulit, sehingga saya bisa melewati masa - masa sulit kuliah saya.

Nah kalau bagi readers yang merasa salah pilih jurusan kuliah juga dan sudah terlanjur terjebak ke dalam kegiatan kuliah, don't worry :) Dunia belum kiamat, Masih ada harapan untuk lulus selesai kuliah :D Yakin dan percaya kalau anda tuh bisa melewati semua karena penyesalan tidak ada gunanya, betul? Jalankan aja dan enjoy, just do your best :D

Nah buat readers yang sekarang lagi dibangku SMA atau sedang mencari bidang kuliah yang mau dipelajari, ini tips-tips nya :

1. Doa

Kebanyakan orang mungkin menyepelekan atau mengabaikan hal ini. Ya, kalau saya percaya sekali berdoa itu adalah awal dari semua hal-hal yang ada. Dengan berdoa, kita meminta Tuhan supaya ditunjukan jalan yang benar untuk memilih jurusan kuliah. Seperti kata-kata Ora et Labora yang berarti belajar dan berdoa.

Usaha tanpa berdoa menurut saya pribadi adalah hal yang sia-sia karena kita tidak tahu apakah yang kita ambil merupakan keputusan yang tepat atau tidak. Yakinlah dengan berdoa, kita diberikan hikmah oleh Tuhan untuk memilih jurusan yang tepat. Sertai Tuhan dalam setiap langkah yang kita ambil dan perjuangkan karena Tuhan tahu yang terbaik untuk kita :)

2. Do what you love, Love what you do

Sepertinya kata-kata ini sudah ga asing lagi ya buat kita :) Saya juga sudah beberapa kali mendengar kata-kata ini disebutkan oleh beberapa orang. Yes, seperti kata-kata diatas, kita cintai apa yang kita kerjakan dan kerjakan apa yang kita cintai.

Kebayang ga readers kalau misalnya kita mengerjakan sesuatu yang kita tidak sukai selama kurang lebih 3 - 5 tahun masa kuliah? Misalnya anda masuk kuliah jurusan Kedokteran Umum, sedangkan anda sendiri tidak suka dengan pelajaran Biologi / Anatomi Tubuh Manusia. Bukannya kita tidak bisa pelajaran Biologi tetapi kita hanya tidak meminati pelajaran Biologi.

Lalu selama kuliah Kedokteran kebanyakan anda akan mempelajari ilmu Biologi. Apakah anda akan mencintai pelajaran Biologi tersebut selama kuliah? Apakah anda yakin anda bisa mendapatkan prestasi yang memuaskan dengan bidang tersebut? Pasti kebanyakan dari kita akan mengerjakannya dengan setengah hati, bukan?

Kita juga harusnya mencintai apa yang kita kerjakan. Apa yang kita kerjakan sehari-hari harus kita cintai agar kita merasakan manfaatnya. Misalkan kita memilih kuliah jurusan Akutansi karena kita pernah belajar akutansi dasar / menyukai pelajaran akutansi / menyukai pelajaran matematika. Menurut saya ini merupakan suatu langkah yang sudah benar dalam memilih jurusan kuliah.

Lalu seperti yang diketahui kebanyakan orang, mahasiswa akutansi akan sering berhadapan dengan kegiatan menghitung selama kuliah. Seiiring berjalannya waktu, suatu saat mungkin kita akan merasakan kejenuhan dengan bidang akutansi karena kita sering melakukan kegiatan menghitung dan akan terus menghitung hingga akhir kuliah.

Lama kelamaan bisa timbul kejenuhan dalam diri kita. Hal ini akan membuat kita tidak mencintai apa yang kita kerjakan. Nah kalau sudah seperti ini kita harus ingat kembali motivasi awal kita memilih untuk mengambil jurusan akutansi.

Oleh karena itu pilihlan jurusan kuliah yang anda senang untuk dipelajari dan dikerjakan :)

3. Mencari informasi tentang jurusan kuliah

Kalau ada yang pernah mendengar buku karya Sun Tzu, Art of War maka kita pasti pernah mendengar sebuah kalimat yang terkenal know your enemy and know yourself. Artinya kita harus paham musuh yang kita hadapi dan kita harus memahami diri kita. Dari kalimat ini, saya mengibaratkan jurusan kuliah adalah musuh kita yang harus kita ketahui sebelum berperang. Berperang tanpa mengetahui musuh yang akan dihadapi, tidak akan membuat kita menang.

Beberapa teman saya dahulu yang tidak mengetahui jurusan kuliah yang akan mereka pilih itu seperti apa. Mereka tidak tahu apa yang akan mereka pelajari saat kuliah, apa yang harus dipersiapkan selama kuliah dan karir yang dapat ditempuh setelah lulus dari perkuliahan. Alhasil saat mereka menjalani perkuliahan, mereka akan kaget karena mereka baru mengetahui kalau jurusan yang mereka pilih tidak seperti yang dibayangkan sebelumnya.

Penting sekali mencari informasi tentang jurusan yang akan kita pilih nantinya. Informasi bisa didapatkan dari mana saja. Guru SMA, orang tua, teman, alumni SMA, orang yang berkuliah di jurusan yang kita minati, dan lain-lain.

Jangan sampai kita terkejut karena jurusan yang kita ambil tidak sesuai yang kita bayangkan sebelumnya. Dengan mendapatkan informasi mengenai jurusan kuliah tersebut, kita dapat mempersiapkan diri juga. Lebih untung bukan kalau sudah tahu? :)

4. Mengetahui diri sendiri

Mengetahui diri sendiri merupakan hal yang penting untuk banyak hal, tidak hanya dalam memilih jurusan kuliah. Semakin kita mengenal diri kita seperti apa, semakin kita bisa memilih keputusan yang terbaik untuk diri kita bahkan untuk orang lain :)

Jangan sampai anda meminati suatu jurusan kuliah tetapi anda tidak mampu bertahan dalam pelajarannya. Bisa gawat nantinya. Apabila kita tidak terlalu menguasai pelajaran SMA yang ternyata dipelajari juga dalam kuliah tetapi anda optimis dan yakin bahwa anda bisa mempelajarinya, maka boleh dilanjutkan. Tetapi apabila kita tidak yakin, lebih baik mengganti jurusan kuliah lainnya.

5. Konsultasi

Kalau masih bingung juga, tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana, konsultasi adalah jawabannya. Berkonsultasilah dengan orang yang berpengalaman dan dipercaya. Misalnya kepada guru BK, orang tua, teman-teman, dan lain-lain.

Dengan adanya konsultasi kita akan mendapatkan pemikiran baru dan pendapat dari orang sekitar kita mengenai diri kita dan jurusan kuliah yang mungkin cocok dengan kita. Dengan adanya masukan dan pendapat yang ada, kita dapat memiliki insipirasi dalam memilih jurusan kuliah.

6. Dengarkan suara hati

Kalau masih belum bisa, cara terakhir adalah dengan mendengarkan suara hati anda.Ini penting! Karena bagaimanapun juga yang menjalankan kuliah nantinya kan adalah anda, bukan orang tua, bukan teman dan bukan siapapun. Teman saya pernah berkata "lebih baik anda menyesal karena pilihan anda daripada pilihan orang lain" oleh karena itu pilihan dari diri sendiri sangatlah penting.

Cobalah sejenak ambil waktu untuk diam, tenang dan memikirkan tentang diri anda sendiri, kemana suara hati anda berbicara. Jurusan apa yang harus saya ambil? Apakah saya yakin dengan jurusan yang saya pilih? Mengapa saya mau memilih jurusan ini? Pertanyaan seperti itulah yang anda harus tanyakan pada diri anda sendiri.

Apakah suara hati anda pasti benar? Belum tentu :) tapi setidaknya hal ini membantu anda dalam mimilih jurusan kuliah yang anda minati dari dalam hati. Oleh karena itu, sehabis mengetahui suara hati anda, bisa mencoba konsultasi dengan orang tua, teman maupun guru kembali akan ide dan pilihan jurusan kuliah yang sudah kita pikirkan itu.

Demikian tips - tips dari saya. semoga membantu readers dalam memilih jurusan kuliah :)
1 tips terakhir sebagai penutup, apabila suatu saat readers menjalani jurusan kuliah sesuai pilihan anda dan ternyata tidak seindah harapan, jangan kecewa. Kita harusnya wajib bersyukur. banyak orang diluar sana tidak dapat kesempatan kuliah yang sama seperti kita. Lebih baik dijalankan dengan hati gembira daripada sedih, betul? :)

Selamat mencari, i wish you all the best, semoga sukses, good luck :)