Dystopia : The Zombie Escape Room

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Zombie - Courtesy to http://money.cnn.com/2016/02/10/technology/amazon-zombie/

In zombie apocalypse, I expect insane things to happen” – Chandler Riggs

Wohoo. Rasanya menakutkan sekali. Sebelum mengalami saja sudah menakutkan apalagi kalau mengalami sendiri. Ya, pada kesempatan bulan April 2016 lalu, aku dan teman memutuskan untuk mengikuti game escape room yang bertemakan zombie. Game ini  diberi nama Dystopia.
Wohoo. It feels really terrifying for me. Before it happened, I already scared first. Moreover, what about if I already try that. Yes, in this occasion, I had a chance in previous April 2016, for me and friends who decide to participate in an escape room game which has theme about zombie. This game is called Dystopia.

Dystopia ini sebetulnya adalah game escape room yang diadakan oleh beberapa mahasiswa dari Prasetya Mulya Business School, dalam rangka tugas akhir atau semacamnya (aku juga kurang tahu pastinya). Event ini diadakan di Flavor Bliss Alam Sutera, di sebuah lapangan yang cukup luas untuk mengatur tempat yang ada.
Dystopia is actually an escape room game which held by several students from Prasetya Mulya Business School, in order for them to complete final project or soover (I don’t know exactly about the campus’s task). This event is located at Flavor Bliss Alam Sutera, in a empty field which is fit enough for the game settings.

Zombie in Dystopia | Courtesy to http://lifestyle.liputan6.com/read/2487018/bertemu-zombie-di-dystopia-zombie-apocalypse

Dystopia, merupakan escape room dengan tema zombie. Sebetulnya, kalau escape room saja, mungkin aku masih okay. Tapi karena ada tema zombie, ehmm… gimana ya. Rasanya tantangan-nya jadi doubel. Walaupun aku tahu ini hanya permainan, dan zombie-nya tidak nyata, tapi pasti menyeramkan tetap apabila bertemu zombie di dalam. Apalagi pemeran zombie yang ada semuanya diriasi dengan make up sehingga betul betul menyerupai zombie.
Dystopia came up with zombie as the theme. Actually if it is just an ordinary escape room, maybe I am still fine but it is not. Because the theme is zombie, and it makes me feel like ehmm… how should I feel. It feels that the obstacles are doubled. Even I know that this is just a game and the zombie is not real, I still feel that this will be going to be really scary moreover when I meet the zombie. And also, all the zombie character is face decorated with zombie make up which made the zombie really scary.

Di dalam escape room ini, pemain dapat menang apabila berhasil menemukan sebuah botol antidote di setiap ruangan. Total ada 3 ruangan di dalam permainan ini. Di setiap ruangan, ada petunjuk bagaimana cara kami menemukan botol tersebut. Di dalam ruangan pun ada zombie juga. Zombie tidak akan menyentuh pemain begitu juga dengan pemain, karena apabila tersentuh, permainan dinyatakan gagal alias game over.
In this escape room, players can win if they successfully found antidote bottle in every room. There are 3 rooms in this game. In every room, there is a sequence of instructions on how to find this bottle. In every room, no doubt that there are zombies. Zombie will not touch the player and so on for the player. If the player touch the zombie, accidentally or not, player is failed to win the game or game over.

Untunglah kami ber 6 mengikuti game ini. Karena kalau aku hanya berdua atau bertiga saja pastilah aku akan menjadi beban. Karena selama permainan ini berlangsung, waduuh.. aku takut sekali, sampai sampai buakannya memecahkan teka teki yang ada, malah memperhatikan zombie seupaya tidak dekat dekat. Haduuh, rasanya jantung mau copot di dalam, hahaha  #lebay. Tapi memang itulah yang dirasakan sama aku, karena aku memang takut, dan ga suka dengan hal berbau horror hahaha.
Luckily for me, that we are 6 people. If it is only 2 or 3, it can be sure that I become burden for them. As the game runs, OMG…. I am really scared, really really frightened until I cannot solve the puzzle in each room. Instead I focused my attention to the zombies in the room so that I don’t get close to them.

Dari stage pertama, tim-ku tidak berhasil menemukan antidote yang ada. Yah.. alhasil kami sebetulnya sudah gagal dari stage pertama. Stage kedua dan ketiga-pun kami gagal. Tapi kalau dari aku pribadi, aku menikmati game ini walaupun takut-nya benar benar takut :P Yaah.. Setidaknya, aku dan teman-teman bisa sekali lagi menghabiskan waktu kami bersama-sama dalam suatu kegiatan yang unik. Dan… sehabis dari sini, perut kami sudah menunggu untuk diisi bahan bakar kembali. Saatnya cabut ke tempat makan..

From the 1st stage, my team is not survived and we don’t get the antidote. Well.. it turns out that we are failed to win this game since the first stage. In the 2nd stage and 3rd stage, we also failed. For me personally, I enjoyed the game even though I am scared to death :P Well… at least, I and my friends can go once again to spend our time together in a unique activity and place. And.. from there, our stomachs are already craving for food. Time to go then for some treats…

Raymond Chandra

An ordinary man that lives and believes in a dream that one day may come true. Enjoy your life, share with other, build a better future